Why HR Analytics Matter in 2022

Can HR analytics really help businesses stay competitive? The simple answer is yes. Not only is the collection of HR data becoming a smart means for making strategic business decisions, but HR analytics is becoming a necessity for companies who are wanting to stay profitable in an ever-changing work environment.

The Challenges Facing HR in 2022

Since 2020 and the pandemic changed the nature of work for millions of workers, human resources professionals and business owners alike are working in near burnout to keep up with the growing challenges of the current labor environment. They are facing:

Skills Shortage – Not only is there a labor shortage, but there is a skills shortage. CEOs and businesses are finding it harder to locate, attract and recruit talent with specific skills needed for roles in tech, medical, legal, and engineering.

Competitive labor market – With the labor shortage and the Great Resignation, many businesses are in competition with each other to attract new talent and retain the current talent they have

Continue this read here: https://blog.shrm.org/blog/why-hr-analytics-matter-in-2022

By Fernando Pires
Fernando Pires Career Advising & Recruitment Coordinator