As you move through college you see and experience many things. Some that shock you and some that you never see coming, yet both still leave a lesson to be learned. Looking back, I wouldn’t have done anything differently because I am who I am today because of my past. Yet I still would’ve liked to hear some advice from my older peers. So here are 8 things I wish I knew as an Undergrad:
- Find that things you love that are outside of your career path and career goals. Reading, Running, Hiking, Knitting, etc.
- Focus on school when you need to. If you have that big test coming up take the time to get ready for it!
- Organization is KEY in being able to handle many things at once. School will throw many things at you, and when you add life to that equation its easy to be get overwhelmed. Have a good organization system on hand!
- You will never have this much free time again in your life use it well and use it wisely. Learn new skills, go see the world!
- Try to understand the concepts and ally them to the real world rather than just be able to spit them out for a test.
- For you Business Majors out there Excel really is that important! Learn the commands it will make your life so much easier!
- Protect your mental health.
- Never leave a stone in turned. Take every opportunity you have and pursue it to the best of your ability. Is it 8PM and your tired but your friend invited to play intermural soccer at 9PM….GO!
Hope you like that reading and that you take away at least one thing from this post!
Wishing the best always,