Jobs in Sports Management: Finding Your Fit in the Sports Industry

Most of you in our audience are sports fans thinking to yourself, I love sports; this is something that does it for me, I should make this into a career.

This perspective makes sense, because lets be honest, working in sports, at least to me (I’m biased, I get it) is a lot cooler than working in a cubicle each day.

Why not pursue the goal of working in the sports industry if you’ve identified that it’s your passion?

Here’s the Deal: Sports Jobs Can Be Confusing 

Sports careers can be confusing because the sports industry is just that; it’s an industry, it’s not a job itself.

You can’t just say, “I want to work in sports” you have to be more specific. You must figure out what that means for you.

The sports industry is a big business, there are sports jobs in:

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By Fernando Pires
Fernando Pires Career Advising & Recruitment Coordinator