10 Tips for Your Next Interview

  • Do Your Research

    • Prior to going to the interview, it is best to know as much as you can about the company you are interviewing with. Research the mission, culture, future trends, clients and current company news. Stay informed of current news in the industry. Familiarize yourself with the job qualifications.
  • Mock Interview

    • Schedule a mock interview in advance with your career coach to practice discussing your strengths, weaknesses, goals, accomplishments, relevant experiences and questions as well as verbal and nonverbal language. This is strongly encouraged.
  • Be on Time

    • Consider traveling to the company the day before your interview if you are unfamiliar with the location. Plan on arriving 15 minutes prior to the interview. Be mindful of traffic patterns. If you know you’re going to be late, contact the employer/recruiter prior to your interview time.
  • Dress Professionally

    • Wear a business suit and be sure you are neat, clean and professional in appearance. Be conservative with make-up, jewelry, and cologne. Wear something that makes you feel confident.
  • Connect with Employers

    • Listen carefully to the questions being asked. Sell and match your skills and strengths with the needs of the employers.
  • Organize your Thoughts

    • Practice ahead of time, your answers should be like a pitch – concise and complete.
  • Be Specific

    • Tell the interviewer how you can contribute to the company and give examples.
  • Ask Questions

    • Ask insightful questions to show your genuine interest in the position/company. You can use this as a way to show you’ve done your research. Avoid asking about salary and benefits in the first interview. Not asking questions shows a lack of interest in the company and position (you should prepare these in advance – 5-7 questions recommended). Don’t ask an obvious question or a question that has already been answered.
  • Send a Thank You Note

    • Make sure to send either a hand-written or e-mailed thank you note to all individuals you interviewed with, the day of your interview. Make sure to include details from your conversation. It is helpful to get business cards before you leave for correct name spellings and position titles.
  • Evaluate your Experience

    • Think about what happened during the interview and ask yourself: Is this a place you think you would enjoy working? Are the job responsibilities a good match with your strengths? Is there opportunity to learn and grow?