Exercise Science Club

Student Clubs

The Exercise Science Club is an undergraduate student-run club that looks to educate as well as advocate the health and wellness of all Sacred Heart students and the community. The EX Club allows exercise science majors as well as non-exercise science majors the opportunity to socialize and share the common belief in a health lifestyle. Meetings are held once a month so commitment is not as time consuming. The club allows members a unique chance to attend regional ACSM conferences, especially the individuals that take part in the clubs events, all which focus on one part of SHU LACES: Leadership, Academic, Community, Exercise, Service.

The Exercise Science Club is affiliated with Wakeman Boys and Girls Club whose mission is to guide and inspire young people to reach their full potential. This organization coordinated an award-winning program at McKinley Elementary School that relies on more than 300 volunteers each year who coach, mentor, tutor, serve on event committees and their Board of Trustees and Unit Advisory Boards and teach programs to children.

