Our Team

Annie Suffredini

Executive Director

Annie graduated from Sacred Heart University in 2007 with a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology.  She spent time at Sacred Heart as an intern in the Admissions department and upon graduating, she started her career at FactSet in Norwalk, CT as a Recruiting Coordinator.  Annie spent just under eleven years recruiting college graduates into various entry level roles.  She joined Sacred Heart University in January 2018 to take what she had learned in the corporate recruiting space to work with students to better their career and professional development.  Annie works specifically with students in the Isabelle Farrington College of Education and Human Development and spearheads employer relations initiatives for the office.

Hometown:  Fairfield, CT 

Childhood Dream Job: Olympic Swimmer

Favorite Quote: “Good, better, Best. Never let it rest. Till your good is better, and your better is best”

Advice for SHU Pioneers: Try new things! Be open minded. Have fun. Challenge yourself.  

Specialties and Interests

Education, Non-Profit & Human ServicesSTEM & Research